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Have a great vacation!

We wish you all a very happy vacation! 😎☀️ FEG will be closed from July 26, 2024 -7pm to August 26, 2024 -8am.

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My first steps at the FEG!

You have just arrived at the Faculty of Economics and Management, here are our guides from Aix and Marseille to help you during this new school year! We wish you all a very good start to the new academic year!

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Join the FEG!

From June 1, 2023, the main admissions phase begins on Parcoursup. Discover our advantages and follow the procedure to choose the FEG!

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Amu gets a new visual identity

Discover amU's new visual identity!

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Découvrez notre offre et choisissez la FEG !

Prochaine étape pour les lycéens : 30 Mai - 12 Juillet 2024 phase d'admission principale. Dès le 11 juin si je n'ai pas reçu de proposition d'admission, la phase d’admission complémentaire est ouverte. Prochaine étape pour les étudiants candidatant en master : 4 juin - 24 juin 2024 phase principale d'admission.

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At what cost? Calculating the impact of climate change – today and tomorrow

" The social discount rate (SDR) is vital for understanding the value of infrastructure investments far into the future. Especially relevant in a world threatened by climate change, it’s a source of debate ». 

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Lancement officiel des travaux du Campus Pauliane

Au coeur du quartier Sud d'Aix-en-Provence, sur le site de la Pauliane, nous avons inauguré officiellement le lancement des travaux de la construction de notre nouvelle faculté d'économie et de gestion d'Aix-Marseille Université.

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Cérémonie de remise des diplômes : Master Finance et CCA

Félicitations aux diplômés 22/23 du Master Finance (Finance entreprise et marché, Gestion de Patrimoine et Management des risques financiers) et du Master "CCA - Comptabilité Contrôle Audit".

Our training courses

Discover our licenses
Champ 1


10 degrees - 19 courses

Discover our masters
Champ 1


14 masters - 34 courses

Discover our doctoral programs
Champ 1


2 doctoral programs

Discover our international double degrees
Champ 1


11 degrees - 2 specialties

Discover our DESU Magistère Engineer in Economics
Champ 1

MAGISTERE's degree

Economist engineer

Discover our graduated programs
Champ 1

Graduated programs

4 DU - 7 DESU

Discover the FEG work-study program
Champ 1


41 degree courses

Find out about continuing education at the FEG
Champ 1

Continuing education

41 diploma courses


    October 13, 2024
    The 40ᵉ edition of the ALGERNON race will take place on Sunday, October 13, 2024 and will feature the participation of an AMU team.