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Our economics and management unit is fully committed to its socio-economic partners to meet their training needs but also to support them and build together future projects both in research and training.

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Business Relations

Are you already engaged from research and and training ?
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Alternating training

At the heart of the company and training
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Apprenticeship tax

Our success comes from our mutual commitment
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Current events, news

Our professional actions!
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Student Entrepreneurship

Develop a spirit of 'entrepreneurship!
AMU website

Our economics and management unit is fully committed to its socio-economic partners to meet their training needs but also to support them and build together future projects both in research and training.

  • Companies and partner agencies

    Our raison d'être at the Faculty of Economics and Management is to work closely with local, national and international companies and organizations since we train students in this very field.

    This allows students to benefit from courses taught by professionals, but also from internships, work-study programs and employment. Our very high rate of professional integration confirms our commitment to this strategy.

    Our professional network has always been based on mutual trust and lasting collaboration, enabling us to enrich our professional training, but also to boost our research and participate in economic and management innovation.

  • Ressources à disposition

  • Observatory on school-to-work transitions

    L'Observatoire de la vie étudiante (OVE) révèle un taux d'insertion professionnelle de nos diplômés de Master en économie et gestion de 92 %.

    Cette enquête nationale est pilotée par la DGESIP. Elle est réalisée 30 mois après l'obtention du diplôme de Master. 85,8% ont un niveau cadre et 94,9% sont à temps complet.

  • Junior Enterprise and student association

    Junior companies have everything of the company but they only have students among their teams. This is the case of our Junior Miage Concept! Excellence and value doesn't wait for the number of years!

    Our students also participate in entrepreneurship through associations such as JDA conseil!

    Ask our students, they are already real professionals!





You can contact the Enterprise Office: +33 (0)4 42 91 48 84

Corporate Relations Officer