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Finance, Control, Audit Department (FCA)



The Finance, Control, Audit (FCA) department of the Economics and Management UFR offers training in the field of finance and accounting, which enables it to have a very high insertion rate (92%). It is the result of excellent training courses in finance, accounting, auditing and management control and brings together nearly 800 students!

Constantly seeking to innovate and differentiate itself from other training courses, this department is developing international partnerships to offer training courses entirely in English and double degrees in financial risk management.

Some of its training courses in finance and wealth management also benefit from professional certification such as that of the SFAF, which multiplies the chances of employability for students in 35 financial centres.

The Accounting, Control and Auditing Master's degree maintains very close partnerships with the Order (OEC-PACA), the company of auditors (CRCC Bastia-Aix), the AMA, ANECS and AJEC, which contribute to the training of students and facilitate their professional integration.



The Master Finance offers the following three career paths:

  • Corporate and Market Finance
  • Wealth Management
  • Financial Risk Management

Double international diplomas



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