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L3 Management - Administration of Cultural Institutions course (AIC)


Teaching method: Initial training, Continuing education or Work-linked training

Location : Arles

Type of diploma: Bachelor's degree

Duration of studies : 3 years

Output level: Bac +3

Language(s): French

Department: License

  • Objectives

    The aim of the AIC Management Degree course prepared within the Professional University Training in Administration of Cultural Institutions is to provide future managers of cultural organisations with management methods specific to this sector of activity, i.e. allowing them to learning and mastering basic concepts and tools in management, economics and cultural law, but also communication, digital, cultural policy while training them to discover the different artistic sectors.

    The AIC course aims to enable students to apply for the Master's degree in Project Management or Cultural Institutions (DPEC) or other Masters with a focus on management.

    At the end of the Bachelor's degree, the student can apply for a position as an assistant or collaborator in a cultural association (music café, concert hall, concert stage, etc.). music scene, festival, theatre...) or a cultural industry (book, film, music) or a local authority (cultural affairs department).

    • Designing and managing innovative cultural projects and facilities based on their financial and commercial diagnosis within the framework of cultural institutions covering a wide range of artistic disciplines: theatre, street arts, dance, music, visual arts, books.
    • Adapting Cultural Projects to the actors and territories: being able to understand the specific stakes involved in conducting a local cultural policy, a city policy.
    • To study the audiences of culture on a quantitative and qualitative level: to be able to use data to measure, describe and understand the audiences of cultural events and facilities. Identify the actors and sectors in the cultural field: associations, cultural industries, cultural services of local authorities.
    • Identifying the environment of markets, firms and organisations: being able to decipher economic, cultural and social news. Knowing how to situate management decisions for cultural facilities or structures in their historical, geographical and sociological environment.
  • Teachings


    • To analyse a project and/or a cultural facility in its economic aspects (6 cr)
      • Economic analysis of the cultural sector
      • Principles of modern economics
      • Vocational integration
    • Core Competencies in Cultural Law (6 cr)
      • Culture law
      • Knowledge of territorial institutions
      • Labour Law
    • Management Tools and Techniques for Cultural Organizations I (10 cr)
      • Strategic Management
      • Company Accounting
      • Project Management 1
      • English 1
    • ICT and market research (8 cr)
      • Digital tools in cultural organizations
      • Marketing in the arts and culture sector
      • Market research applied to the cultural sector


    • Management Tools and Techniques for Cultural Organizations II (8 cr)
      • Financial and economic diagnosis
      • Financial Management
      • Choice of investments and methods of financing
    • ICT and Audience Studies (6 cr)
      • Information system and databases
      • Study of audiences
    • Tools for communication and implementation of cultural projects (4 cr)
      • English 2
      • Project Management 2
      • Project
    • Internship (6cr)
      • Internship
      • Methodology of the internship report
    • Tools for assessing cultural policies and practices (6cr)
      • Cultural Policies
      • Introduction to the study of the arts sector
      • Cycle of conferences
  • Admission

    Who can apply?

    The only compulsory pre-requisite is the motivation of the candidate, whatever his or her original training at Bac+2 level. The refresher courses set up in the AIC program contribute greatly to the success of this organizational principle.

    How to apply?

    Apply at the time of admission on the dedicated platform.

  • Practical information

    The compulsory internship (of at least 8 weeks) gives rise to the drafting of an internship report (using the Annuaire des stages, which has been compiled over the last 15 years in the AIC sector). Students also participate in a collective project under the direction of several cultural professionals to design and implement a cultural event.

    The different modules making up the UEs are subject to various controls throughout each semester: Continuous Control (CC), Integral Continuous Control (CCI), Terminal Exam (ET), Collective Work, Individual Work, MCQ, Presentation, Report;

    The WORKSHOP and the DRAFT YEAR are compulsory.

  • Et après ?


Pedagogical Manager


Administrative managers

Administrative Manager AIC