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AES Bachelor's Degree FAQ (Economic and Social Administration)

The advantages of the AES Bachelor's degree: multidisciplinarity, general skills and versatility.

  • What are the characteristics of the AES degree courses at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Aix Marseille University?

    The FEG AES designation offers three courses with distinct characteristics, two of which are accessible from the L2. These courses are each offered on the same site: Entreprise et Administration des PME-PMO (EAPP) in Aix-en-Provence, Sciences Sociales et Politiques (SSP) in Marseille and Gestion Des Territoires de Montagne (GDTM) in Gap. What these three courses have in common is their multidisciplinary nature (law, economics, management and social sciences) and the progressive nature of their specialisation. Teaching in computer science and modern languages completes the curriculum, which places great emphasis on methodology.

    Please note: the first semester is organised in the form of a common core which constitutes a real orientation portal at the end of which students decide whether they wish to take the AES, the Economics-Management or the Management specialisation. The second semester offers a common core reduced to the AES mention only, and the entire first year can take place in Aix-en-Provence or Marseille.

  • What are the standard courses accessible from the second year of the Licence?

    There are two model courses available from the second year of the Licence:

    The course "Enterprise and Administration of SMEs-SMEs" in Aix-en-Provence

    The EAPP course aims to train students in business skills in an open, competitive world strongly influenced by digital technologies. The targeted companies are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (traditional companies or start-ups). The courses, grouped into legal, economic and management areas, address the challenges of business: creation, day-to-day administration and project management to develop four types of skills:

    • Situating the company in its macro-environment and mastering the economic, institutional and digital contexts as well as their evolution;
    • Discovering the company to coordinate business, mastering its main support functions, its steering techniques and experimenting with the company;
    • To follow the company's performance and master the evaluation of risks and strategies, market knowledge and decision making as well as value creation;
    • Promote the image and brand of the company and master the objectives of internal and external communication and its supports.

    The "Social and Political Sciences" course, in Marseille

    This generalist and multidisciplinary training (economics and management, law, political science and social sciences) is oriented towards the analysis of major contemporary economic, political and social issues. The acquisition of a high level of general culture and a perfect mastery of written and oral expression methods endows graduates with transferable skills, opening up numerous possibilities for further study :

    • understanding and analysing major social, economic and political issues, by crossing different modes of economic, sociological, legal and managerial reasoning ;
    • reasoning through analysis, synthesis, argumentation, by knowing how to produce, collect and interpret empirical data;
    • to use documentary methodologies, to master the methods of written and oral expression, to have a great autonomy of work;
    • manage activities in project mode in a collective setting, by breaking down, planning and distributing the tasks of a project.

    Each semester, modules are devoted to preparing for competitive examinations, IEPs in the first year, then civil service for the following two years.

  • The last standard course, Gestion Des Territoires de Montagne, in Gap, is finally accessible in the third year of the Licence.

    This course proposes a cross-cutting and multidisciplinary approach to the planning and local development of mountain areas, in order to understand the challenges and prospects of these territories (climate change, territorial strategy, winter sports resorts, tourism, urban planning, biodiversity, transport, energy, agriculture and forestry, natural risks, etc.).

    Graduates take part in the elaboration and management of a territorial development project, a project integrating the issues related to sustainable development, thanks to the skills acquired, culminating in an 8-week internship:

    • Appropriate the macroenvironment of a mountain territory;
    • Understanding and analysing the major social, economic, ecological and political issues;
    • Participate in the elaboration and management of a territorial project;
    • Reasoning through analysis, synthesis and argumentation;
    • To be an entrepreneur in a mountain territory.
  • What studies and what opportunities after a Bachelor's degree in AES? What further studies after a Bachelor's degree in AES from the Faculty of Economics and Management of Aix-Marseille University?

    At the end of the second year, AES students can apply to enter the Professional Bachelor's degree. Within the FEG, they are thus offered professional bachelor's degrees in the tertiary sector such as, for example, International Trade Professions; Insurance, Banking, Finance; Management and Accounting Professions. Within AMU, we can mention HRM Management, Management and Organisation Management, Commerce and Distribution. Finally, students can join a business school through a competitive examination.

    At the end of the third year, the AESBachelor's degree allows students to apply for a number of Masters within the FEG, depending on the course (Sustainable Management of Mountain Territories, Management of Projects or Cultural Institutions, Business and Market Economics, Human Resources Management, Innovation Management, etc.). Outside the FEG, within AMU, the tracks are also varied, whether in the field of law (Law and Management of Culture and Media, Economics of Law...), sciences (Law and Economics of the Media), or in the field of the environment (Environmental Management, Environmental Management, etc.). (Political Science, Sociology, European Studies), public policies (Public Management, Cultural Project Management, Town Planning and Urban Development), or even the Master's Degree in Teaching, Education and Training. Graduates of the AES Licence can also apply for admission to higher schools or institutes (Training Institute for Social Workers, School of Journalism and Communication, University Schools of Management IAE ...) or Institutes of Preparation for General Administration.

  • What are the professional opportunities after an AES degree from the Faculty of Economics and Management of Aix-Marseille University?

    Versatile, the AES graduate can work as an assistant or adviser in administrative, accounting or human resources departments, but also in sales departments. Employers can be companies, associations or public authorities.The bac+3 level also allows the candidate to sit for the The level Bac+3 also enables students to sit for civil service recruitment competitions, for which certain modules of the Social and Political Sciences curriculum are specifically designed. Finally, the graduate of the AES Licence Parcours EAPP can go into entrepreneurship by setting up a start-up.

  • Can part of the AES licence be performed abroad?

    AES students can spend one or two semesters of their third year of studies in a foreign university within the framework of ERASMUS+ (Europe), CREPUQ (Canada) or bilateral agreements with certain institutions (Scotland, Canada, China, etc.).

  • Is it possible to do an internship in AES Licence?

    Students in the third year of the EAPP Course have the opportunity to complete a 6-week internship. They have to choose between doing an Internship in a company, writing a dissertation on the entrepreneurial world and composing an E-Portfolio. The same applies to the students of the GDTM Course, who must complete an 8-week internship or write a dissertation.

  • The AES licence: expectations, privileged profiles and admission proceduresWhat are the prerequisites for admission to the AES Licence?

    Expectations refer to the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in a higher education stream. As part of the admission procedure for the higher education programme Parcoursup, they enable students and institutions to assess the suitability of a profile for a given course of study. It is notably on the basis of these national expectations, possibly declined or adjusted at the local level, that the institutions decide whether or not to admit students to the courses under pressure.

  • What are the national expectations for the AES Mention?

    • Know how to mobilize oral and written expression skills in order to be able to argue a line of reasoning.
    • To master the French language, written and oral, i.e. to have the basics of the language: spelling, grammar, syntax and vocabulary.
    • Produce a structured argumentation, even if relatively simple and to reason on concepts
    • Have mathematical skills essential for management and economics
    • To master essential mathematical reasoning, in particular in order to grasp the lessons relating to economics and management.
    • To be able to work independently and organize one's work
    • Ability to work independently
    • Being interested in societal issues and being open to the world
    • Minimum level of curiosity about society and the world around it
    • Studying systems other than the national system
    • Master at least one foreign language, especially English.
  • Elements of national framing of the recitals for the License Terms (source MESRI)

    According to the MESRI (2018), it is expected that candidates for the Bachelor's degree in Economic and Social Administration will have the following skills:

    • Know how to mobilize oral and written expression skills in order to be able to argue a reasoning.

      This expectation shows the importance, for the AES program, of the mastery of the French language, written and oral, by the candidate, who must possess the fundamentals of the language. In addition, the candidate must be able to use the French language to produce a structured argument, even if relatively simple (this skill is intended to be reinforced at university), and to reason on concepts such as the following
    • Have mathematical skills essential for management and economics.

      This expectation shows the importance, for the AES course, of mastering the essential mathematical reasoning, particularly to understand the lessons relating to economics and management. The expected level in mathematics is obviously not as high as in the hard scientific disciplines, nor even as in economics and management, where the proportion of teaching based on mathematical knowledge is higher.
    • Tobe able to work independently and organize one's work.

      This expectation highlights the importance, for the AES programme, of the candidate's ability to work independently. Like many university courses, the AES Bachelor's degree programme leaves substantial room for personal organisation and work. Supervision is flexible; only a limited part of the teaching is compulsory and leads to compulsory assignments (tutorials).
    • Be interested in societal issues and be open to the world.

      This expectation underlines the importance, for the AES programme, that the candidate should have a minimum level of curiosity about society and the world around him/her. The AES Bachelor's degree cannot be disconnected from social and cultural realities. Moreover, this training is necessarily part of a European and global context which implies, during the course of the course, the study of systems other than the national system. Such an approach in a global context requires mastery of at least one foreign language, in particular English.
  • Which profiles are most likely to succeed in the 1st year at the Faculty of Economics and Management?

    • At the FEG, the first semester of the first year of the Bachelor's degree is common to the AES, EG and G. Consequently, the most suitable profile to succeed in this first year is that of bachelors from the general stream of the ES and S series.
    • L-series general baccalaureate holders may also have an adapted profile if they develop an appetite for economic and social sciences and mathematics.
    • Particularly motivated high school students holding a technological baccalaureate from the STMG series have a profile that could enable them to pass one of the bachelor's degrees in Economic and Social Administration, Economics and Management or Management.
    • Only high school students holding a vocational baccalaureate in the Commerce series obtained with very good results may possibly present a profile likely to enable them to pass one of the bachelor's degrees in Economic and Social Administration, Economics and Management or Management.

    Approximately two-thirds of new entrants to the Licence in the last three academic years were general baccalaureate holders: in 2016-2017, 48% came from the ES series and 17% from the S series. Technical bachelors accounted for 16% of the total (STMG series), and professional bachelors for 13%.almost half of technological bachelors and more than half of professional bachelors drop out in the first year, compared with about a quarter of general bachelors (22% of S bachelors, and 29% of ES bachelors).* The number of bachelors who drop out in the first year is higher than in the second year (22% of S bachelors, and 29% of ES bachelors). Their L2 pass rates are very low: 21% and 9% respectively, compared with 57% of ES and 76% of S baccalaureate holders.

    Grade * : It is not known whether these dropouts correspond to an internal reorientation, a change of institution or a lasting, if not definitive, exit from higher education.

  • Is entry to the first year of the AES Bachelor's degree selective at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Aix Marseille University?

    In L1, access by right possible for all baccalaureat holders. Attention, reservations can be made depending on the applications, and may lead to the proposal of an accompanying course for the student (1st year of bachelor's degree in 2 years).

  • What are the criteria for examining the files of candidates for entry to the first year at the FEG?

    • General Baccalaureate, ES and S series: grades for first class and those available for the final year of secondary school, particularly in the following subjects (if relevant): English, French, History-Geography, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics-Chemistry, Life and Earth Sciences, Economic and Social Sciences.
    • Bachelor of Technology, STMG series: grades for the first class and those available for the final year, particularly in the following subjects: English (if relevant), Economics-Law, French, History-Geography, Organizational Management, Mathematics, Management Sciences, in addition to specific teaching (Management and Finance, Marketing, Human Resources and Communication, Management Information Systems).
    • Vocational baccalaureate, Commerce series: first class marks and those available for the final year of secondary school, particularly in the following subjects: English (if relevant), Communication-Sales, Law, Economics, French, Business Management, History-Geography, Mathematics.For all high school candidates, the marks obtained in the early baccalaureate exams will also be taken into account. Various experiences, a particular curriculum, the completion of internships, involvement in extra-curricular activities will also help to enlighten the examination commission. Particular attention will be paid to the personal and professional project. To judge the candidate's motivation and suitability for the requested course of study, the opinion of the class council and the headteacher, summarised in the "fiche Avenir", will also be important.
  • What are the conditions of access to the 2nd and 3rd years of the AES Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Aix Marseille University?

    Holders of an L1 from the portal Administration Economique et Sociale, Economie-Gestion - Gestion (Economic and Social Administration, Economy-Management - Management) who have chosen the AES course in the second half of the year are entitled to access the L2 AES. Holders of an L1 in another subject or any other diploma at Bac +1 level can apply (file). Holders of an L2 in Economic and Social Administration have access to the L3 of the subject. In all other cases (Bac +2 graduates from short courses - DUT, BTS, etc.; graduates of preparatory classes or other L2 courses, etc.), access is selective, on the basis of the file and the results of an admission test.