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Administrative registration (IA) 2023-2024

You've been admitted to our Faculty or are continuing your studies at our institution: congratulations! Now you need to register!

Administrative registration is your point of entry to the university after you've applied, passed the eligibility phase and been admitted to a faculty program.

It's compulsory and entirely paperless, whether you're a future student at our university (baccalaureate holder, new arrival from another university...) or already at AMU (re-registration). It allows you to become a student of the university by paying tuition fees. It enables you to obtain your certificate of enrolment and your student card, giving you access to all the activities offered by the University. It also allows you to obtain your digital identifier, which will enable you to connect to the digital working environment (ENT) and access numerous services, courses and assessments.

You need to follow each of the steps below to finalize your administrative registration with our faculty.

If you encounter any difficulties during the registration process, please do not hesitate to contact your personal contact, depending on the course you are registering for.

If you would like to visit the Bachelor's School, please make an appointment via the following platform: https: //

Register or re-register according to the calendar!

For the start of the 2023/2024 school year, the administrative registration (AI) period begins on June 29, 2023 at 9:00 am, after the application phase, if you have received a favorable decision on your file. Don't wait any longer! Register online in June!

Please note! The Faculty of Economics and Management is closed for the summer (from the evening of July 21, 2023 to August 21, 2023, the day it reopens).

Waiver request: who is concerned? Students previously enrolled at the FEG but who have exceeded the required number of enrolments - 3rd enrolment in 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of higher education - 6th enrolment in higher education, even if they have changed program or institution.

Applications must be submitted by September 1, 2023.

Please note! For Master 1 - first year registrations: your AIs start on July 10!

You also have deadlines to register, depending on the date you were accepted:

  • July 20, 2023, for candidates who have definitively accepted an admission offer before July 17, 2023 inclusive (period 1);
  • August 24, 2023 (12:00 pm), for candidates who have definitively accepted an admission offer between July 18, 2023 and August 22, 2023 inclusive (period 2).
  • As soon as possible and no later than 15/09/2023 (12:00) if you have definitively accepted an admission offer from 23/08/2023.

ATTENTION : avant l'inscription administrative, en fonction de votre situation, vous pouvez être amené à suivre une procédure d'admission spécifique.
Si vous êtes un étudiant en formation continue (demandeur d'emploi, salarié, bénéficiaire du RSA, indépendant, en reprise d'études ou étudiant ayant suivi une formation en alternance, ou encore étudiant en contrat de professionnalisation), veuillez contacter le service de formation continue de la Faculté d'économie et de gestion avant de vous inscrire.

Before enrolling at university, you must pay the "Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) to CROUS. This is compulsory if you wish to enroll in higher education. It applies to all students enrolled in initial training and apprenticeships.

There are 2 different ways of doing this:

  • By paying the CVEC, as you are required to do so. The amount is set at €100.
  • By being exempt from the CVEC. In this case, you pay nothing. You don't have to pay the CVEC if you're enrolled in a continuing education program, a professional training contract or an "incoming" international mobility program under an ERASMUS-type agreement. In these cases, you don't need to connect to the CVEC platform. On the other hand, you are concerned if you register for international mobility as an individual ("free mover") or if you carry out your mobility abroad and pay registration fees in France. To find out which steps to take depending on your situation, visit the CVEC website.

In both cases, you must obtain a certificate by downloading it from the CVEC website.

You must provide this attestation to the faculty, as we will not be able to finalize your registration without it.

If you register for several courses during the same academic year, this contribution is only due for the first registration.

ATTENTION: before registering, you may be required to follow a specific admission procedure, depending on your situation.

If you are a continuing education student (job-seeker, salaried employee, RSA beneficiary, self-employed, returning to school, or a student who has completed a sandwich course, or a student on a professionalization contract), please contact the continuing education department of the Faculty of Economics and Management before registering.

The majority of courses at the Faculty of Economics and Management are web-based , with theexception of certain courses such as the double degree in law and economics.

Please check that your profile allows you to carry out an IA via the standard WEB.

  • Registration for Licence 1 - first year

    Profile for standard online registration (IA WEB) :

    • Baccalaureate student: via the "s'inscrire" link on the PARCOURSUP website, from July 6, 2:00 p.m. until September 5, 2023.

    Please note: A "yes" answer on Parcoursup does not constitute definitive enrolment at university. Registrations are made online (IA WEB) from 2:00 pm on July 6, 2023.

    - after the baccalauréat results, as soon as I have definitively accepted a course, I must complete my administrative registration according to the procedures specified in my file.

    • Repeat students: You must wait for the results of session 2 to be published (even if you did not attend the make-up session). You can register via ENT after authentication - tab Scolarité - Réinscription. For the 1st repeat. You must then request a pass or a waiver for an additional administrative registration and send it to your contact at the school.
    • Applicants accepted via E-Candidat: follow the information you receive in your admission acceptance emails. You will receive a link to the WEB AI.
    • Once you have completed your administrative registration, all students must complete their pedagogical registration.

    You must proceed differently for your AI in the following cases

    • Trainees enrolled in continuing education programs (employees, job-seekers, students returning to school).
    • Students on professionalization contracts
    • Apprenticeship students
    • Foreign students who have applied through the "Études en France" procedure.
  • Registration for Licence 2 and Licence 3 - 2nd and 3rd years

    Profile for standard online registration (IA WEB), from June 29 at 09:00 to July 21, 2023 at 12:00, then from August 21 at 14:00 to September 5, 2023.

    You must proceed differently for your IA in the following cases:

    • Trainees enrolled in continuing education programs (employees, job-seekers, students returning to school).
    • Students on professionalization contracts
    • Apprenticeship students
    • Foreign students who have applied through the "Études en France" procedure.
  • Professional bachelor's degree - Master 1 - Master 2

    Profile for online registration (IA WEB) standard

    - Professional licenses from June 29, 2023 at 09:00 to July 21, 2023 at 12:00 and from August 21, 2023 at 14:00 to September 30, 2023.

    - Master 1 :

    your AIs start on July 12!

    You also have deadlines to register, depending on the date you were accepted:

    • July 20, 2023, for candidates who have definitively accepted an admission offer before July 17, 2023 inclusive (period 1);
    • August 24, 2023 (12:00 pm), for candidates who have definitively accepted an admission offer between July 18, 2023 and August 22, 2023 inclusive (period 2).
    • As soon as possibleand no later than 15/09/2023 (12h00) if you have definitively accepted an admission offer from 23/08/2023.

    - Master 2 :

    From June 29 9:00 am to September 30 2023 12:00 pm.

    Procedure and timetable Master 1

    Repeaters: via ENT after authentication - tab Scolarité - Réinscription

    Master 1: candidate accepted via Monmaster: follow the information received in the admission acceptance emails.

    Master 2: candidate accepted via ECandidat: follow the information received in your admission acceptance emails. You will be given a link to the WEB AI.

    You must proceed differently for your IA, in the following cases:

    Trainees enrolled in continuing education (employees, job-seekers, students returning to school).

    Students on professional training contracts

    Apprenticeship students

    Foreign students who have applied through the "Études en France" procedure.

  • Registration for a double degree in law, economics and management (exception)

    For L1, L2 and L3 students: you must register twice, first with the Faculty of Economics and Management, then with the Faculty of Law and Political Science.


  • Registration for exchange students ........EXCHANGE students

    Candidates accepted on exchange with a foreign partner university (except double degrees): follow the information received in your admission acceptance emails. You will receive a link to take the WEB AI.

    If you have not received an e-mail with your identification to complete the online IA, you must go to the International Relations Office(Batiment Ferry, office 111 in Aix-en-Provence ) to complete your administrative registration.

    Contact the International Relations Department: 04 13 94 44 52 -

  • Step 1: Administrative registration via WEB

    Before enrolling at university, you must pay the "Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) to CROUS. This is compulsory if you wish to enroll in higher education. It applies to all students enrolled in initial training and apprenticeships.

    New enrolees/new entrants : You must connect to the IA WEB platform.

    • ECANDIDAT or MONMASTER: If you applied to the FEG via e-candidat, you will have received an email following your confirmation in e-candidat: this email contains the link to IA WEB.
    • PARCOURSUP: If you applied to the FEG via PARCOURSUP, you need to log back into Parcoursup, click on theADMISSION tab and follow the instructions on the screen, which will take you to the link to the IA WEB.

    NB: remote registration runs from June 29, 2023 9:00 am to September 5, 2023, with a summer break (closed from July 21 12:00 pm to August 21, 2023 2:00 pm). A registration fee will be charged (more information on registration fees, tuition fees and financial aid is available on the Aix Marseille Université website).

    Students admitted via parcoursup must register administratively:

    Please note: A "yes" answer on Parcoursup does not constitute definitive enrolment at the university. Registrations will be made online (IA WEB) from July 7, 2 pm to September 5, 2022.

    IA is done via the web for all first-time students except those admitted through "Campus France" and studies in France.

    The IA gives you access to your Environnement Numérique de Travail (ENT), which you must activate.

    Re-registration (for students previously enrolled at AMU)

    You must connect to your ENT > MENU > Scolarité > click on"Réinscription administrative (IA)".

    Once connected to the IA WEB platform, fill in the various fields and pay your tuition fees online, by credit card. Don't forget to print the registration summary that appears at the end of your IA WEB: you may be asked to justify your registration.

    Other registration dates :

    Professional licenses from June 29, 2023 at 09:00 to July 21, 2023 at 12:00 and from August 21, 2023 at 14:00 to September 30, 2023.

    - Master 1 :

    • Admission proposal definitively accepted between 06/23/2023 and 07/17/2023 inclusive: From 06/29 at 9am to 07/2023/20.
    • Admission proposals definitively accepted between 07/18/2023 and 08/22/2023 inclusive: From 07/19 at 9am to 07/21/2023 at 12pm and from 08/21/2023 at 2pm to 08/24/2023 at 12pm.
    • For all admission offers accepted on or after 08/23/2023: as soon as possible after acceptance and no later than 09/15/2023 at 12 noon.

    - Master 2 :

    From June 29 9:00 am to September 30 2023 12:00 pm.

    Icône " Réinscription administrative" sur l'ENT
    ENT : réinscription administrative
  • Step 2: Activate your ENT (Digital Workspace) account (for new registrants only)

    You have received an email in your personal mailbox with provisional access codes for your Espace Numérique de Travail (ENT). You now need toactivate your ENT account.

  • Step 3: Upload your supporting documents online

    You can submit the supporting documents required for registration online via your ENT: MENU > Scolarité > Pièces justificatives.

    You can add or replace a supporting document using the "+ Add/Replace" button, or you can delete a supporting document using the "X Delete" button, and don't forget to validate by clicking on the "Save your documents" button.

  • Step 4: Validating your registration

    Your registration will only become effective once the administrators have checked the information you have entered and the supporting documents. A validation e-mail will be sent to you, indicating the presence of your school certificate on your ENT.

  • Step 5: Student cards.

    Student cards or 23/24 labels (for re-enrolment) will be distributed at the beginning of the academic year.

  • Next step: Pedagogical registration

    Once you have completed your administrative registration, you will need to register as a student.

    For international exchange students, registration is carried out by the IR office on the basis of the signed learning agreement.

If you have to come to baccalaureate school, come to the office!