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Study at a foreign university

départ étudiants à l'international


If you have questions about your mobility, consult the questions and answers below.

  • Before choosing a university

    • How can I find a partner university that offers courses suited to my background?

    Consult the list of AMU's international partners

    Consult the list of FEG partners

    • Can I go on a work-study mobility program?

    If you're on a work-study program, you can go on a mobility trip abroad for a shorter stay if necessary (during a period devoted to your studies), but for less than 30 credits.

    • Why do I need to check the compatibility of university calendars?

    Some universities have staggered academic calendars: Germany and Austria (S1 starts in mid-October), Southern Hemisphere (S1 starts in July/August). In Italy and Spain, exams are usually held in January, so it's often easier to leave for these destinations for a full year or for S2.

    • How do I choose my university courses?

    First of all, you need to choose the FEG course for which you want to go on a mobility trip. Then, on the FEG website, you'll find a list of the courses offered in that program, and you can search for equivalent courses (semester or full-year) on the websites of our partner universities. The aim is to obtain the same skills in the host university as if you had stayed at the FEG.

    • What happens if I haven't validated my credits?

    Some foreign courses don't have a make-up session, so make sure you find out beforehand.

    Who should I contact to move my project forward?

    For administrative questions, contact Chloé Planeau or Caroline Laux - (see bottom of page). For pedagogical questions, contact the person in charge of pedagogy (to find his/her name, go to the "Formation" page on the FEG website).

  • Financing

    • What kind of grants are available?

    Depending on the destination you choose (Europe or outside Europe), various grants are available and can be combined. More information on the AMU mobility page, or contact International Relations.

    • How long do I have to be away to qualify for a grant?

    You must be away for at least 2 months to be eligible for a mobility grant.

    • Do I need to have a certain amount of money in my current account to be able to go away?

    Yes, for 2 reasons:

    - scholarships are paid out later

    - to obtain certain visas, you need to have a certain amount of money available in your bank account (e.g. Canada...) >> see the website of the embassy of the target country.

    • What if I don't have the required amount?

    You can take out a student loan with a bank.

    • Can scholarships be combined?

    Région Sud grants (PRAME-stage and Aide à la mobilité internationale - études) cannot be combined with other grants for international mobility.

    The MESRI AMI grant can be combined with the Erasmus+ grant and the PMS grant.

    Erasmus+ and PMS grants can be combined up to a maximum of 700 euros per month.

    • How long does it take from application to grant?

    The time between application and receipt of the grant varies, but in some cases it can take several months. It can therefore happen that students receive their scholarship at the end of their semester abroad. It is therefore essential to anticipate this delay and ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover the costs of the first few months of study abroad.

    • Can I benefit from university accommodation during my studies abroad?

    Not all destinations abroad offer university accommodation, so please check beforehand using the housing platform of your target university.

    • Can I get an Erasmus grant if I've already been on an Erasmus program in previous years?

    You can receive an Erasmus grant for 2 semesters in the Bachelor's program and 2 semesters in the Master's program.

  • Preparing for your trip

    • Do I need a passport to consider mobility within Europe? What about outside Europe?

    For trips outside Europe (including the UK), the passport must be valid for 6 months after the planned date of return to France. More information on the administrative documents you need to prepare for departure is available on the course calendar.

    • Is there a network of former mobility students in my target destination?

    Yes, please get in touch with the course director or the IR department.

    • If I'm not a European citizen, who do I contact to obtain a visa for this mobility program?

    Contact the Marseille Prefecture.

  • Language requirements

    • How can I find out what level of foreign language is required at the destination university?

    Consult the country sheets for AMU or FEG applications (5th column).

    • How can I find out my language level?

    Contact the language teacher concerned.

    • If the language of the host country is not English, do I need to have some knowledge of that language?

    This will depend on the language of the targeted course. In some countries, notions of other languages are sometimes required to be able to travel. For example, in Korea, you need to have some knowledge of Korean for your application to be accepted. Please contact the IR of your component.

    • Is a letter from my language teacher enough to prove my level?

    No, not for destinations outside Europe. Check the information on the university website.

From early November to mid-December for AMU agreements.

You will be able to make a maximum of 4 choices among the partner universities with AMU (see Where? tab).

ISEP will be choice 1 if you take it.

The mobility platform (Moveon) will allow you to rank your choices in order of preference. This will also be indicated on your study plan (see How? tab).

* except for students enrolled in CYPES, who have a deadline of 23/02/2024 for Erasmus+ and non-European disciplinary destinations only.

From early November to around mid-March each year for FEG agreements.

You can make a maximum of 3 choices among FEG partner universities (see Where? tab).

The mobility platform (Moveon) will enable you to rank your choices in order of preference. This will also be indicated on your study plan.

The campaigns are automatically closed at midnight on the evening of the deadline.

If you are allocated a place during the mobility campaign for AMU destinations, you will not be able to apply for FEG destinations.

Results are generally sent by e-mail towards the end of March.


International Relations Department :

International Relations Manager
Manager, International Relations Office

SRI office

  • Office 111 - site Jules Ferry Aix en Provence Monday-Tuesday-Thursday 9am-12pm and 2pm-5pm
  • Reception office - ilot Bernard Dubois site (and for Colbert students) - Marseille - Mondays 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00 - Thursdays 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00, AMSE office.
  • International Relations Department: