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Apply for an IPBE license

Applications open from February 23 to March 19, 2023!

Application Process:

  • You are an AMU student

    STEP 1

    For the first step, you must submit your application via two platforms:

    The process is the same on both platforms, before proceeding to this step, please provide yourself with the following documents:

    • A letter of motivation
    • A detailed CV with a recent photo
    • Transcripts of grades from the baccalaureate and all semesters, transcript of grades for the first semester of the current year
    • Proof of credit for students in preparatory classes.
    • TOEFL or TOEIC score or a letter from the English teacher specifying the student's level (B1, B2, etc.) according to the requirements of the host university
    • A study plan: The study plan consists of indicating the courses you wish to take in the host universities.

    NB: Given the number of applications, the validation of your study plan will be done after the selection process.

    (1) International relations file : You must create an account on the Mobility Platform and then a mobility file that will allow you to choose 3 destinations among the partner universities.

    AMU destinations were accessible until December 15, 2022 - for those who have submitted a file, you will have to return to your account to retrieve the document.

    FEG destinations are accessible until March 19, 2023.

    The IPBE program provides only one semester of mobility. The semesters compatible with a return to S6 at the FEG are indicated (the academic calendars may be different), so you must take this into account to avoid missing your return to S6.

    You can find information on mobility on the page:

    Once you have submitted your application, you must retrieve the generated pdf document (Full application PDF), keep it and go to the second platform . You will have to submit this file on the second platform.

    (2) E-candidat: you must then submit your IPBE application file on the e-candidat platform .

    Filing date 2023: February 23 to March 19, 2023

    STEP 2

    The second step consists of an interview: it will take place from March 19, 2023.

  • You are a student outside AMU

    STEP 1

    For the first step, you must submit your application via the e-candidat :

    Before proceeding to this step, please provide yourself with the following documents

    • A letter of motivation
    • A detailed CV with a recent photo
    • Transcripts of grades from the baccalaureate and all semesters, transcript of grades from the first semester of the current year
    • Proof of credit for students in preparatory classes.
    • TOEFL or TOEIC score or a letter from the English teacher specifying the student's level (B1, B2, etc.) according to the requirements of the host university
    • A study plan (including the courses you wish to take abroad) for each host university.

    NB: Given the number of applications, the validation of your study plan will be done after the selection.

    You can choose and rank 3 destinations among the partner universities (compatible with the IPBE license 3). As a student coming from outside AMU, you will only be allowed to leave in the spring semester (S6).

    Consult the list of destinations

    Filing date 2023: February 23 to March 15, 2023

    STEP 2

    The second step consists of an interview: it will take place from March 15, 2023.
