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Training Days

Training days 2025.png
Training days 2025.png

Thursday, October 6 at the BU Bernard Du Bois building and Tuesday, October 11 at the BU of Aix Ferry - From 9am to 12pm/13pm to 5pm.

Registration form for the Training Days (complete)


Exceptional days with workshops and animations to professionalize your search for an internship, a work-study program or a job, to discover yourself and to learn to manage your emotions. Actors from the socio-economic world will be present to advise and train you.

Prepare yourself, train yourself to succeed in your future meetings with recruiters in companies or at the next Faculty or University Forums

Course of action

It's up to you, stop at the booths of your choice, register in advance for certain activities and participate! Stands to equip yourself:

  • Perfect your CV with the help of a professional's advice
  • Benefit from tips & tricks to prepare your job interview
  • Learn how to prepare a pitch
  • Discover your relational profile and learn how to present it thanks to the presence of trainers from the Work Well Together tool: All-day slots upon registration
  • Role-playing sessions with simulated interviews with professionals. All-day slots upon registration.
  • A photo area for a nice passport photo and...funny photos!

Please read the charter of the mock interviews, below, to fully understand what these preparations consist of.

Activities to learn to discover yourself - Please note that these activities are not complete, you can come whenever you want at the times indicated.

- Participate in the workshops "apprehending a job interview thanks to theater and improvisation" workshop from 10 to 11 am

- Participate in theworkshop "Valuing your assets and softskills" workshop from 11am to 12pm

- Participate in theworkshop "Discover yourself! 1pm to 2pm

- Participate in theworkshop "Discovering the regional economic fabric and the job market" workshop from 14h to 15h

- Participate in the workshop "apprehending a job interview thanks to theater and improvisation" workshop from 3 to 4 pm

- Participate in a sophrology workshop to learn how to manage your emotions and leave with exercises that you can reproduce at home. Workshop from 4 to 5 pm

How to participate ?

Whatever your interest in the event, come with your CV (don't worry if it's not perfect yet!). Register (full)

You want to participate in a mock interview:

Bring an offer (internship, work-study, job) that could potentially interest you. It will be used as a basis for the recruitment interview simulation.

Sign up for a time slot. Bring your CV with you.

Do you want to discover your relational profile? Take part in the Work Well Together workshop

Fill out the Work Well Together questionnaire before the event:

  • For those who have chosen the meetings in Aix
  • For those who have chosen the meetings in Marseille

This is not an evaluation, be honest and spontaneous in your answers to discover your true relational profile and not the one of the person you would like to be!

A debriefing by the facilitators of the tool will allow you to understand your relational personality and how to interact accordingly with others.

Sign up for the location and the debriefing slots (full)

For the animations "sophrology" and "apprehending a job interview thanks to theater and improvisation" no online registration, come!

A big thank you to the student Alban Besson( who took the pictures of students on the day of the event.

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