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Master 1 DPEC - Administration of Cultural Institutions Course (AIC)


Teaching method: Initial training, Continuing education or Work-linked training

Location : Arles

Type of degree: Master

Duration of studies: 2 years

Output level: Bac+5

Language(s) : French

Department : Management Culture and Territories

  • Objectives

    The Directorate of Cultural Projects or Institutions trains executives and managers of public and private cultural organizations in the development, design, implementation and evaluation of cultural projects within private or public structures. In this multidisciplinary approach, emphasis is placed on the development of field experience reinforced by compulsory internships. In addition, it enables the changes at work in contemporary societies and in the cultural sector to be taken into account: the preservation of diversity, democratisation, the attractiveness and dynamism of territories, support for industries or the recognition of sectors. It provides students with the theoretical and operational analysis tools needed to implement strategies and projects within artistic and cultural institutions.

    In the Faculty of Economics and Management, this specialization offers 1 course: the Administration of Cultural Institutions course.

  • Teachings

    Master 1 Administration of Cultural Institutions (AIC) (60 credits)

    • Semester 1 M1 Administration of Cultural Institutions Course (AIC) (30 credits)
    • Management tools and techniques for cultural organizations (9 credits)
      • Managerial accounting
      • Strategy, management and project management in organisations in the cultural field
      • Digital communication techniques adapted to the cultural sector
      • Environmental diagnosis of the host structure
    • Core competencies in cultural law (8 credits)
      • Cultural Enterprise Law
      • Legal analysis of territorial cultural structures
      • Public Finances
    • Core competencies in economics and cultural history (6 credits)
      • Socio-economic approach to cultural organisation
      • Deepening the economic analysis of the cultural sector
      • History of the arts
    • 1 EU to choose from 2 (3 credits)
    • Option apprenticeship or contract pro: basic skills in sociology of culture (3 credits)
      • Briefing note: sociological aspects of the mission
    • Non-Alternating Option : Core competencies in the sociology of culture (3 credits)
      • Introduction to Cultural Industries Professions
      • Construction and dynamics of cultural identity
    • 1 EU to choose from 2 (4 credits)
    • Non-alternating option: tools for methodology and implementation of cultural projects (4 credits)
    • Projects workshop for the development of a cultural project
      • Methodology of the "research and action 1" dissertation
    • Apprenticeship option or pro contract: methodological and implementation tools for cultural projects (4 credits)
      • Methodology of the "research and action 1" dissertation
      • Briefing note: design of the cultural project
    • Semester 2 M1 Administration of Cultural Institutions Course (AIC) (30 credits)
    • Management tools and techniques for cultural organizations (8 credits)
      • Strategic and digital marketing
      • Organization and information management in cultural enterprises
    • Communication tools and techniques for cultural organizations (4 credits)
      • Communication and organization
      • English
    • Tools for Assessing Cultural Policies and Practices (6 credits)
      • Decentralization and territorial networking
      • A cultural policy for a multicultural europe
      • Association and business: the crossroads of tomorrow's social and cultural economy
    • 1 EU to choose from 2 (6 credits)
    • Non-alternative option: tools and techniques for implementing cultural projects (6 credits)
      • Validation workshop for a cultural project
    • Option apprenticeship or pro contract: tools and techniques for implementing cultural projects (6 credits)
      • Briefing note: implementation of the cultural project
    • 1 EU to choose from 2 (6 credits)
    • Non-alternative option: methodology tools for cultural projects (6 credits)
      • Methodology of the "research and action 2" dissertation
      • Internship and dissertation
    • Option apprenticeship or pro contract: methodology tools for cultural projects (6 credits)
      • Methodology of the "research and action 2" dissertation
      • Mission in alternation and memory
  • Admission

    Who can apply?

    Access to the M1 level is open to holders of 180 ECTS, a Licence or equivalent.

    It is open to students in initial training and continuing education and to students in sandwich courses, for the M1 and M2 levels. A good knowledge of Art History is required.

    How to apply?

    Apply at the time of admission on the dedicated platform.

  • Practical information

    The compulsory internship each year gives rise to the writing of a dissertation (using the internship directory compiled over the last 15 years by the FUP AIC): Research and action dissertation in M1 and End of studies dissertation in M2.

    Students divided into several groups also participate in a Project under the direction of cultural professionals and academics to design (or even implement) a cultural event at the local level in M1 and at the regional or national level in M2.

    Teaching volume

    • Lectures: 434 hours
    • Tutorial: 412 hours
    • Internship: 36 weeks

    The AIC course of the DPEC Master's Degree takes place at the University Antenna of ARLES (Espace van Gogh, Place Félix Rey, 13200 ARLES).

    The mention "Direction des projets ou établissements culturels" is co-ported by three establishments: the Faculty of Economics and Management, the IEP and the IMPGT, each of which offers a specific course within its establishment.

  • Emploi du temps

  • Calendriers examens


Pedagogical Manager


Administrative managers

Administrative Manager AIC
Cécile P.
Cécile, in Master 2 Management of cultural projects or establishments, course Administration of cultural institutions (AIC) at the FEG on the campus of Arles. I'm going to present you my training. Before starting my training, I did a degree in history, then I did a civic service in a cultural affairs department of a city and then I entered the Master's degree in History in the Cultural Project Management course at La Rochelle. I came [...] Read more
Cécile P.
Cécile, in Master 2 Management of cultural projects or establishments, course Administration of cultural institutions (AIC) at the FEG on the campus of Arles. I'm going to present you my training. Before starting my training, I did a degree in history, then I did a civic service in a cultural affairs department of a city and then I entered the Master's degree in History in the Cultural Project Management course at La Rochelle. I came to this Master's degree from the FEG, because I wanted to do my second year of the Master's degree as a sandwich course and the FEG allowed me to do so. Today I am doing my work-study at the department of Seine-et-Marne, in the cultural affairs department. We are organising a festival - it's very good because I am applying everything I learn in the framework of our training. For example, as part of our training, we had courses in intellectual property law, management, accounting, in management, in accounting. These are things that I hadn't seen at all, because my background was more in literature and the humanities, and today I use them every day! For example, we had courses in digital communication, to manage the festival's website, which is very useful, and also in terms of budgets, to know how to read an estimate and establish a budget for a project! Afterwards, I hope to graduate in September, after defending my thesis and continue working in public administration, because that's what I like. As I have been well trained at the FEG, I hope to graduate in September 2021
Promo 2022-2023
Alexiane G.
Before joining this program, I did a BTS in communication, then a professional license in cultural project management with a specialization in performing arts (theater, dance, circus) and finally a one-year civic service in an urban art association in Besançon called Juste Ici, which is known for its Bien Urbain festival. I chose this Master's degree for the content of the courses which is mainly centered on the administrative manage [...] Read more
Promo 2022-2023
Alexiane G.
Before joining this program, I did a BTS in communication, then a professional license in cultural project management with a specialization in performing arts (theater, dance, circus) and finally a one-year civic service in an urban art association in Besançon called Juste Ici, which is known for its Bien Urbain festival. I chose this Master's degree for the content of the courses which is mainly centered on the administrative management of a structure or a cultural and artistic project. In the first year of the Master's program, I chose not to do a work-study program in order to concentrate on the courses and to adapt to a new environment. I was able to do a tutored project with the Conservatory of Arles which allowed me to discover this structure, its functioning and to take part in the organization of certain events. For my second year of the Master's program, I decided to do a work-study program in order to become more professional and to apply my courses; everything became more concrete! I am in the same association as my civic service and I assist the administrator on various missions: administration (subsidies, artists' contracts, management of rights, balance sheet, accounting etc.), human resources management (pay slips, training, vacations, recruitment of civic service and interns etc.), and production (transport, catering, accommodation, planning, logistics etc.). For my part, the law, management, accounting and public finance courses are very useful in my work. Moreover, I rely heavily on my work-study program for the writing of my thesis. I have access to the resources of my organization and all my colleagues have agreed to let me talk to them to flesh out my speech! Once I graduate in September 2023, I will be hired in my structure as an administrator and I hope to continue my career as an administrator (in the urban art sector or elsewhere!).