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L3 MIASHS - Mathematics and Economics Course (ME)

mathématique et informatique.png

Teaching method: Initial training or Continuing education

Location : Aix en Provence

Type of diploma : Bachelor's degree

Duration of studies : 3 years

Output level: Bac +3

Language(s) : French

Department : License

  • Objectives

    At the end of the MIASHS Parcours ME degree, future graduates, whatever the level of degree attained, will be able, at various levels of performance, to :

    • Use disciplinary and transdisciplinary scientific knowledge: understand and solve economic and social problems in a rigorous way by acquiring and articulating a base of necessary knowledge in mathematics, computer science, and human and social sciences.
    • Develop a scientific approach: Analyze, model and interpret complex economic and social problems using a rigorous scientific approach by articulating various methods and disciplinary knowledge in a relevant manner.
    • Communicate clearly and rigorously in English and French: Write and present orally a study report, a dissertation or an internship report that is accessible to a variety of audiences and that meets the writing and presentation standards of the disciplines concerned (mathematics, computer science, and the humanities and social sciences).
    • Be introduced to written and oral scientific communication in English.
    • Develop and implement individual or team projects: Build and develop interdisciplinary projects (mathematics, computer science, and human and social sciences) individually or in teams based on a collaborative approach.
    • Implement disciplinary skills in the professional environment: Use methodologies and put into perspective knowledge in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and human and social sciences in the context of a research project or a professional project.
    • Develop a project that facilitates integration within a professional organization and an ethic that promotes accountability: Build a personal and professional project by synergizing multidisciplinary knowledge (mathematics, statistics, computer science, and human and social sciences) that respects ethical principles and deontology.
    • More specifically, students from the ME course will be able to analyse complex economic problems and understand the underlying mechanisms in relation, in a relevant and rigorous way, to models from different fields of economics (microeconomics, macroeconomics, decision theory, econometrics, finance, risk management, ...); evaluate economic projects and policies, confront theory with empirical data, by mastering the appropriate computer tools.
  • Teachings


    • Differential and dynamic systems (6 cr)
    • Industrial Economy (3 cr)
    • Advanced programming (6 cr)
      • Deepening in POO (JAVA)
      • Web programming and project - 1
    • Integration complements (3 cr)
    • Econometrics (3 cr)
    • Risk and Insurance Economics (3 cr)
    • English 4 (3 cr)
    • 1 EU of your choice from 2 (3 cr)
      • Economy and Management Option (3 cr)
      • International trade
      • MIAGE option (3 cr)
      • IT project management


    • Stochastic models (3 cr)
    • Macroeconomic policy (3 cr)
    • Web programming and project - 2 (3 cr)
    • Applied econometrics and project (6 cr)
    • Econometrics workshop
    • Project
    • Market Finance (3 cr)
    • English 5 (3 cr)
    • Internship or memory (3 cr)
    • One EU to choose from 2 (6 cr)
      • Economy-Management Option (6 cr)
      • Labor market analysis
      • Human Resource Management
      • MIAGE option (6 cr)
      • Object-oriented design
      • Strategic Management
  • Admission

    Who can apply?

    • MIASHS (FEG) students who have successfully completed their 2nd year.
    • Students of other courses such as those of the Licence de Mathématiques, CPGE scientifiques or other MIASHS licences in other institutions.

    How to apply?

    Apply at the time of admission on the dedicated platform according to your case.

  • International Mobility

    If you want to go to the 3rd year, you should compile your file in the 2nd year, with the International Relations Department. (link to the international section)

  • Practical information

    The 3rd year of this course is organized around two sets of options, allowing to follow :

    • Option 1 "Economics and Management": courses in economics and management, mainly in English, pooled for example with the "International Program in Business and Economics" bachelor's degree.
    • Option 2 " MIAGE " : teaching in computer science, through a learning of Python and JAVA languages, database principles and techniques around Web development.

    In addition, a professional and selective orientation is organized during the 3rd year of the ME course, in connection with the AMSE "Economic Engineer" Master's degree. It takes the form of additional modules associated with option 1 "Economics and Management" and gives the right to the following advantages: access to the Big Data programme of the Magistère provided mainly by professionals, access to the offers and professional meetings of the AMSE programme, the possibility of automatically entering the 2nd year Magistère and M1 AMSE at the end of the MIASHS licence and the possibility of going abroad, during the first semester of this second year.

    To access this professional orientation, the application must be submitted at the end of the 2nd year, and then be selected on the basis of a dossier by a jury made up of those in charge of the Magistère and the MIASHS Licence. An additional pedagogical contribution of 180 euros will then be requested in return for the acquisition of the "Big Data" module.

    Finally, the internship (or thesis) allows the student to become familiar with the professional environment by giving him/her the opportunity to use the knowledge acquired during the three years of the bachelor's degree. Indeed, one of the objectives of this Bachelor's degree is to train students with strong skills in the field of mathematics, computer science and economics and knowing how to use them in a relevant way to solve economic and social problems. This in order to be able to play the role of experts and managers in both the private (survey institutes, banks, insurance companies, etc.) and public (local authorities, water agency, education ....) service sectors.

  • What's next?

    This MIASHS course allows the pursuit of studies in master finance, economics, MIAGE in the disciplinary fields of Economics, Computer Science, Management and Mathematics.


FEG Pedagogical Officers

University Professor

Administrative Manager

Education Manager
Nastasia CELLIER
Être à la MIASHS c’est à la fois suivre une formation exigeante et polyvalente. Il y a trois matières piliers qui sont les Mathématiques, l’Informatique et l’Économie.