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L3 Management - Accounting and Finance Management course (MCF)


Teaching method: Initial training or Continuing education

Location : Aix-en-Provence, Marseille

Type of diploma: Bachelor's degree

Duration of studies : 3 years

Output level: Bac +3

Language(s): French

Department: License

  • Objectives

    The "Management Accounting and Finance (MCF)" course gives students a knowledge of fundamental management courses. Its aim is to train managers concerned with accounting and French private law, management control, finance, economics and IT, to help organisations in day-to-day management operations. These objectives are achieved through :

    • The acquisition by the student of a knowledge of the concepts, rules and fundamental principles of management
    • The development by the student of a capacity for critical analysis of management.
    • The mastery by the student of practices that will enable him/her to use management in an adapted way in the treatment of concrete problems.

    At the end of the course, graduates of the Gestion parcours MCF degree must be able to supervise, organise and coordinate administrative, accounting, financial and commercial services. He/she defines the conditions for administrative management and accounting follow-up (cost calculation, invoicing, personal payroll) and sets up the various management charts and accounting information. More specifically, several skills are developed:

    • Skills in economic analysis (microeconomics and macroeconomics),
    • Organizational skills,
    • French accounting skills,
    • Skills in corporate finance,
    • French legal competence,
    • Learning computer methods and tools,
    • Expression in a foreign language (English) .
  • Teachings

    Licence 3 Career Management Accounting and Finance (60 credits)

    Semester 5 L3 Career management Accounting and finance management (30 credits

    English 1 (3 credits)

    IT 1 (3 credits)

    Corporate and employment law (6 credits)

    • Corporate Law
    • Employment law

    Accounting (9 credits)

    • Funds Management and Controlling
    • Company Accounting 1

    Finance (3 credits)

    • Corporate finance: corporate governance

    Litigation and Finance (6 credits)

    • Corporate Litigation
    • Finance: Domestic and International Financial Markets

    Semester 6 L3 Career management Accounting and finance management (30 credits)

    English 2 (3 credits)

    IT 2 (3 credits)

    Corporate Finance (6 credits)

    • Financial accounting diagnosis
    • Financial mathematics and investment choices

    Accounting and Tax Law (6 credits)

    • Company Accounting 2
    • Tax Law

    Law and Finance (6 credits)

    • Collective Proceedings
    • Empirical Methods in Finance

    Professional Relations and Internship (6 credits)

    • Professional relations
    • Internship
  • Admission

    Who can apply?

    For a direct entry into L3, it is necessary to have a good level in French private law, French accounting, management, economics and computer science. Direct admission to the third year is possible for holders of a DUT-GEA in finance, BTS-Comptabilité gestion, but other profiles can also apply.

    How to apply?

    Apply at the time of admission on the dedicated platform.

  • Practical information

    The programme uses several pedagogical tools: academic teaching reinforced by tutorials, a compulsory 6-week internship to gain effective experience in the field, use of computer tools, practice in written and oral communication, writing an internship report.

    The student must complete a minimum 6-week internship between April and May in management in an organization in France or abroad. During the internship, the student will be followed by a training supervisor and a teaching tutor from the FEG. At the end of the internship, the student will have to submit an internship report which will be noted by the teaching tutor.

    The training is provided by both teacher-researchers, associate professors and professionals in order to ensure a pedagogy that harmoniously combines the academic and the professional. A research base is ensured by the presence of teacher-researchers in private law, finance, accounting and computer science. The teacher-researchers are attached to different research centres related to their discipline (CERGAM, GREQAM, Centre de droit social, etc.).


Pedagogical managers


Administrative Manager

Sandrine EL BEZE - -

LICENCE 3 Management comptable et finance
La Licence 3 MCF c’est vraiment la voie royale si vous souhaitez ensuite intégrer l’un des deux masters qui sont le Master CCA et le Master Finance. En L2 nous n’avions pas encore fait notre choix donc nous avons choisi la L3 MCF car il s’agit de celle qui nous correspondait le mieux.