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Ecopress: FEG's online student media

September 19, 2023
Lancement d'Ecopress

🎤📰 The Ecopress team has a message for you:

"We're pleased to announce the launch of EcoPress, the student online media of the Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Economics and Management, with the launch of its website as of today:

We write articles related to FEG disciplines such as economics, social and political sciences, finance and the environment. We also conduct interviews with various personalities.

We are launching a recruitment campaign and are actively looking for students with diverse backgrounds who want to express themselves on subjects close to their hearts, and who are interested in writing, editing or social networking.

Participation in the EcoPress association earns an extra 0.5 points on the average at the end of the semester. If you are interested in the project and would like to be part of it, please send your application with a covering letter to the following e-mail address:

Alternatively, please feel free to visit our website and tell others about us.

The EcoPress team."