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L1 Economics Management - Double Degree in International Partnership with the University of Tübingen

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Teaching method: Initial training

Location : Aix-en-Provence - Tübingen

Type of diploma: DPI

Duration of studies : 3 years

Exit level: Bac +3

Language(s ) : French - English

Department: Licence

  • Objectives

    The double degree in Economics and Management with the University of Tübingen offers a program of study arranged between the University of Aix Marseille and the University of Tübingen, which enables students to obtain, at the end of the three years, the degree of Bachelor of Science (Bsc) in International Economics from the University of Tübingen. This double degree combines the acquisition of real expertise in the field of economics and management with an international mobility experience, allowing graduates to pursue a Master's degree in Economics and Management. The international aspect of this training will be a plus for further studies in a selective Master's program, or for insertion into the job market, demonstrating the student's mastery of languages and strong capacity for adaptation.

    Internationalization is at the heart of the UFR's strategy: thanks to the quality of its programs and research, the UFR of Economics and Management benefits from international recognition, which revitalizes its research and training activities. It has always deployed links and a solid network of partners to allow the mobility of its students, but also teachers and administrators.

    The UFR of Economics and Management relies on its network of 107 partner universities, institutes and schools to offer the best opportunities for student and academic mobility and to develop its double degrees.

    The component's internationalization strategy is already well established with 9 double Master's degrees (Konstanz, Tübingen, Lisbon, Liege, Louvain, Ca Foscari (2), Externado).

    This double degree aims to acquire real expertise in the fields of economics and management. This teaching program is selective.

    • 1st year: L1 economics and management - Aix-en-Provence (French)
    • 2nd year: Bachelor of Sciences in international economics - Tübingen (English)
    • 3rd year: L3 economics and management - Aix-en-Provence (English)
  • Teachings

    Year 1 Licence Economie et Gestion Aix en Provence for AMU students

    Semester 1

    • Modeling of economic behavior 1 (8 cr)
      • Mathematics 1
      • Microeconomics 1
    • Environment of organizations (8 cr)
      • Introduction to law
      • Political Institutions
      • Contemporary economic problems
    • Management of Organizations (6 cr)
      • Theories of management
      • Introduction to management
      • Statistics applied to social sciences (8 cr)
      • Statistical techniques
      • Statistical approach to economic and social issues
      • Supervised work 1
      • Additional courses 1
      • International curriculum 1
        • Topics in economics
      • Engineering curriculum 1
        • Logic

    Semester 2 License 1 Economics Management

    • Modeling of economic behavior 2 (8 cr)
      • Mathematics 2
      • Microeconomics 2
    • Cyclical and historical economic analysis (6 cr)
      • Macroeconomics 1
      • History of economic thought and facts
    • Management of firms and organizations (8 cr)
      • Principles of marketing
      • Principles of HRM
      • Introduction to accounting
    • Study of markets and strategies of firms (8 cr)
      • Markets and strategies
      • Tutorial 2
      • English
      • Additional courses
      • International curriculum 2
      • Strategic decision making
      • Engineering curriculum 2
      • Engineering curriculum 2

    Year 1 : BSC International Economics 60 ECTS for students from Tübingen

    • Introduction to Business Economics
    • Introduction to Economics
    • Data analysis/Stats 1
    • Mathematics
    • Electives


    • Probability theory/Stats 2
    • Macro 1
    • Micro 1
    • Investments
    • Electives
  • Admission

    Who can apply?

    The double degree is mainly aimed at students who have completed their final year of high school and who have a particular interest in economic and management issues and a strong capacity to adapt.

    How to apply?

    For students who have applied to the Faculty of Economics and Management via Parcoursup, the wish examination commission will examine the application.

    Apply at the time of admissions on the dedicated platform.

  • Practical information

    Limited capacity.


Administrative Managers

Administrative Manager Training
Administrative Manager Training

S2 L1 Economy-Management / Management Aix-en-Provence, contact : Sandrine El Beze - -

S2 L1 Economics-Management Marseille, contact : Iziana ALIAOUI -

For questions about the timetable contact: