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Master 1 Production management, logistics, purchasing


Teaching method: Initial training or Continuing education

Location : Aix-en-Provence

Type of degree: Master

Duration of studies: 2 years

Output level: Bac+5

Language(s) : French

Department: Logistics, organization and international trade

  • Objectives

    The objective of the Master GPLA mention is to offer a two-year training course leading to clearly identified jobs. It offers a relatively wide choice of courses in the field of operations management (purchasing-procurement, logistics, distribution, etc...) and the piloting of organisations associated with flow management. It therefore covers all the functions that Anglo-Saxons group together under the term "supply chain management", both with regard to the core business activities of industrial, commercial or service companies, and support activities.

    Each master's course has been designed to follow, or even anticipate, the evolution of logistics professions. As these changes are both technological and linked to the evolution of demand, the courses are thus strengthened both in terms of information systems and in terms of taking into account new constraints linked to increased management by the downstream (need for agility, reliability and durability). The sectors targeted concern both industry (aeronautics, automotive, chemicals, etc.) and services (logistics service providers, transport, etc.).

    The first year of the Master's degree is common to all the courses. It enables students to learn about possible professional orientations through a common base of teaching in the field of supply chain management. Awareness of the different professional perspectives is raised through the organisation of teaching units (UE) in the second semester. These credits allow students to learn about specialisations and to make their choice in terms of further study within the specialisation.

    The second year of the Master's programme is organised around four differentiated courses. The first semester is devoted to courses and projects. The second semester is reserved for internships and professional experiences.

    Four courses are offered:

    • "Management of the Logistics Chain", the core business of which is logistics;
    • "Distribution and Purchasing", which focuses on inbound (supply purchasing) and outbound (distribution) relations;
    • "Sustainable Supply Chain", which develops an integrated approach to sustainable development in supply chains;
    • "Research, Study and Consultancy in Logistics and Strategy", a research track that covers all aspects of the other tracks and also focuses on the logistics consultancy business, particularly in its organisational and strategic aspects.
  • Teachings

    Master 1 mention Production management, logistics, purchasing (60 credits)

    • Semester 1 M1 mention Production management, logistics, purchasing (30 credits)
    • Supply Chain Management (6 credits)
      • Logistics Management
      • Supply Chain Management
      • Sustainable Supply Chain
    • Organisation of International Transport Chains (6 credits)
      • Logistics service provision and transport market
      • International trade techniques
    • Supply chain modelling (6 credits)
      • Process modeling and integrated approach to logistics information systems
    • Supply chain management 1 (6 credits)
      • Logistics project management and agility
      • Cost analysis and dashboards
    • Professionalization (6 credits)
      • Business Game SCM
      • Business English
    • Semester 2 Master 1 mention Production management, logistics, purchasing (30 credits)
    • Operational supply chain management (10 credits)
      • Purchasing and distribution channel management
      • Production management, inventory optimization and operations research
      • Warehouse and logistics site management
    • Supply chain management 2 (6 credits)
      • Performance management
      • Audit / research / consulting
    • Technological Innovation and SC (6 credits)
      • Business model and digitalization of CS
      • Innovation
    • Professionalization 2 (8 credits)
      • Project start up contest / Hackathon
      • English
  • Admission - First Year

    Who can apply?

    Any student who has validated 180 ects. This master is aimed at students wishing to acquire skills in the field of supply chain management. This strategic field requires both strong adaptability and abstraction skills, and its operational aspect requires a high level of rigour as well as a certain ease in quantitative and formal subjects.

    How to apply?

    Apply at the time of admission on the dedicated platform.

  • Practical information

    The pedagogy of mention (M1 and M2) is based on so-called project-based approaches. In the first year, a simulation of supply chain management enables students to reproduce the conditions of piloting chains subject to strong operating constraints upstream and downstream. In the second semester, students manage a project to solve a logistics problem proposed by companies.

    The second semester of the second year of the Master is reserved for the internship. It lasts six months and can take place abroad (except for the RECLS course, which is shorter).

    The GPLA Master's degree benefits from the relationships forged with companies at several levels. It benefits from the partnerships established by CRET-LOG with certain companies or associations of companies over many years. The latter is a member of the Paca Logistique Cluster, ASLOG, Club Demeter, AFT to name only the main local and national professional associations. Within the framework of its applied research, the laboratory works in collaboration with many major companies and organisations (e.g. Geodis, Chep, Danone, Airbus, DCN logistics, Ferrero, DHL, K+N, Carrefour, Auchan, Decathlon, Casino, Coca-Cola, Orangina-Suntory, Cartier, Groupe SEB, Daher, OCP, GPMM, MSF).

    This training can be followed in initial training, in continuing education.

  • What's next?

    Professional opportunities

    The GPLA Master's degree is aimed at jobs in the field of operations management (purchasing-procurement, logistics, distribution, logistical support, etc.) and the management of organisations associated with flow management. It therefore leads to jobs and functions in "supply chain management", both for the core business activities of industrial, commercial or service companies, and for support activities. These professions concern all sectors of activity, in the field of private companies (GE and TPE) and public organisations.


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