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Master 1 Accounting, Control, Auditing (CCA)


Teaching method: Initial training, Continuing education or Work-linked training

Location : Aix en Provence, Marseille

Type of degree: Master

Duration of studies: 2 years

Output level: Bac+5

Language(s) : French

Department : Finance Accounting Audit

  • Objectives

    The purpose of the CCA master's degree is to train figure managers, particularly in accounting, auditing and auditing. Graduates benefit from exemptions from the DCG and DSCG (except UE1 and UE4) for chartered accountancy. Professionals provide teaching and close contacts with the Order (OEC-PACA), the company of auditors (CRCC Bastia-Aix), the AMA, ANECS, AJEC also contribute to facilitating professional integration.

    The aim of the first year of the Master's programme is to give students who have already acquired the basic knowledge required in Law - Economics - Management a more in-depth education in Accounting, Auditing, Control and Consulting. At the end of this first year, students should be able to have a global vision of the functioning of companies and to solve complex and transversal problems.

    The Master CCA is linked to the management research centre: CERGAM.

  • Teachings

    There are two curricula, one for initial training, one for continuing education, alternating:

    Course: Accounting, Control, Auditing (CCA) - Option Classical initial training (120 credits)

    • Master 1 common to CCA and CGAO - Classical training (60 credits)
    • Corporate Finance (6 credits)
      • Financial and strategic diagnosis
      • Financial Market Theory

        Strategy and project management (6 credits)
      • Strategic Management
      • Project Management
    • Information and communication systems (6 credits)
      • Information systems
      • English
    • Management accounting and finance (6 credits)
      • Budgetary control and forecasting
      • Business valuation
    • Audit (6 credits)
      • Internal control
      • External audit
    • Semester 1 M1 Common to CCA and CGAO - Classical training (30 credits)

    Path: Accounting, Control, Auditing (CCA) - Option Specific Group FA/FC (120 credits)

    Master 1 common to CCA and CGAO - Specific group FA/FC (60 credits)

    Semester 1 M1 Common to CCA and CGAO - Specific group FA/FC (30 credits)

    • Information and communication systems (6 credits)
      • Information systems
      • English
    • Management accounting and finance (6 credits)
      • Budgetary control and forecasting
      • Business valuation
    • Audit (6 credits)
      • Internal control
      • External audit
    • Corporate Finance (6 credits)
      • Financial and strategic diagnosis
      • Financial Market Theory
    • Strategy and project management (6 credits)
      • Strategic Management
      • Project Management

    Semester 2 M1 Common to CCA and CGAO - Specific group FA/FC (30 credits)

    • Financial and fiscal environment (8 credits)
      • Banking systems and financial globalisation
      • Taxation
    • Company (8 credits)
      • Business plan and simulation
      • Major economic issues
    • Law (8 credits)
      • Business criminal law
      • Law and Business
    • Enhanced accounting (6 credits)
      • Law and Accounting
      • In-depth accounting techniques

    Semester 2 M1 Common to CCA and CGAO - Classical training (30 credits)

    • Financial and fiscal environment (6 credits)
      • Banking systems and financial globalisation
      • Taxation
    • Business and ICT (6 credits)
      • Business plan and simulation
      • Project management and ICT
    • Law (6 credits)
      • Business criminal law
      • Law and Business
    • Enhanced accounting (6 credits)
      • Law and Accounting
      • In-depth accounting techniques
    • Option according to mention: 1 EU among 2 (6 credits)Option M1 CCA: Major contemporary debates and professionalization (6 credits)
      • Internship in an accounting or auditing firm
      • Economic debates (conferences)
      • Financial debates (major debates)
    • Option M1 CGAO: Major Contemporary Debates (6 credits)
      • Economic debates (conferences)
      • Financial debates (major debates)
  • Admission

    Who can apply?

    This diploma is intended for students of L3 Gestion parcours MCF " Management Accounting and Finance " from the FEG, students with a Bachelor's degree CCA " Accounting, Control, Auditing " or students with the DCG.

    How to apply?

    • In Initial Training in Aix: candidates apply via e-candidate.
    • In Continuing Education, work-linked training in Marseille: candidates fill in their application form. A jury may propose an interview at the end of which an answer will be given. If the answer is favourable, obtaining an apprenticeship contract, professionalization, individual training leave, job search or return to school will finalize their file.

    For continuing education (CE) students, applications are accepted throughout the year.

    In all 3 cases, apply at the time of admission on the dedicated platform

  • Practical information

    Enrolment regimes and places of instruction :

    • Initial training in Aix: M1-CCA courses take place from September to April with a compulsory internship of at least one month in May. M2 CCA courses take place from September to mid-December and from mid-April to the end of June and are completed by a 4-month internship between mid-December and mid-April.
    • In continuing education in Marseille: Students can anticipate their work-study contract (under an apprenticeship or professionalization contract) by two months. Courses start in November and end in June for M1-CCAs. As for the M2 CCA, courses run from September to April.
    • Initial training: In Aix-en-Provence
    • Continuing education: On Marseille Centre
    • Work-linked training: In Central Marseille
    • Training under a professionalization contract: In central Marseille

    The diploma is also available in VAE.

    Internships and supervised projects

    • In initial training (FI): an internship of a minimum of three (and possible four) in France or abroad in an accounting or auditing firm.
    • Continuing education (CE): it is possible to complete an internship under conditions similar to those for the public of FI but also to carry out professional experience under a work-study contract in a firm of chartered accountants or auditors.

    The M1-CCA and the M1-Management Control and Organizational Audit are common.

    Studying abroad

    The CCA master's degree allows the internship to be carried out abroad (Luxembourg, Ireland, England, Tunisia, etc.) and is in relation with the AMA (Mediterranean Auditing Axis). The practice of English and the learning of international accounting standards enable students to carry out their professional activity abroad.


Pedagogical Manager


Administrative Manager (Continuing Education/Alternance)

Administrative Training Manager


M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Memorialist Chartered Accountant | Mission Manager
Graduated from the Master CCA in July 2016, I pass the remaining UEs of the DSCG session 2016. I join the audit and accounting firm Syrec in the same breath as I am now an Engagement Manager. At the same time, from 2017, I start the accounting internship. I am currently a memorialist. Previously, I came from a training course without any real accounting background. The CCA Master's degree was a real springboard without which I could [...] Read more
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Memorialist Chartered Accountant | Mission Manager
Graduated from the Master CCA in July 2016, I pass the remaining UEs of the DSCG session 2016. I join the audit and accounting firm Syrec in the same breath as I am now an Engagement Manager. At the same time, from 2017, I start the accounting internship. I am currently a memorialist. Previously, I came from a training course without any real accounting background. The CCA Master's degree was a real springboard without which I could not have had this career path or these opportunities. It represents a precious key to many professions with an easy way to find a job in the end. I would like to thank the course manager who enabled me to enter this world through a well-maintained network.
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Jean-Charles DONZELOT
Memorialist Chartered Accountant
Following my Master 2 CCA obtained in 2013, I started my internship as a chartered accountant in a small firm in Marseille. The firm was 70% oriented towards legal auditing and 30% towards accounting and consulting. This experience was enriching because of the diversity of the files, but I wanted to learn my future profession more quickly with files raising important accounting, tax or even consolidation issues. I then chose to join [...] Read more
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Jean-Charles DONZELOT
Memorialist Chartered Accountant
Following my Master 2 CCA obtained in 2013, I started my internship as a chartered accountant in a small firm in Marseille. The firm was 70% oriented towards legal auditing and 30% towards accounting and consulting. This experience was enriching because of the diversity of the files, but I wanted to learn my future profession more quickly with files raising important accounting, tax or even consolidation issues. I then chose to join a local firm in Marseille at the end of my first year of internship. I stayed with this firm until the end of my internship. An experience during which I was able to carry out audits of companies with a turnover of up to 250 M€, but also consolidation, consulting or even VSE expertise. Validating my 3 years of internship, I wanted to challenge myself professionally before becoming (I hope) a Chartered Accountant. In 2016, I am appointed general manager of a ski area. The economic and social situation of the site was complex. In 2018, my board of directors entrusted me with two other (smaller) resorts to manage (around 150 employees in winter). I remained at the head of these resorts until autumn 2020. During these 4 years, I think I enabled the company to regain financial balance, a sustainable strategy and even the confidence of the employees. This experience was complicated, but very enriching and exciting. Since the end of my studies, I have always wanted to have my own firm. So I resigned and I am currently working on the preparation of the DEC. I am currently writing my dissertation and preparing for the May 2021 exams (and yes, there is no age for revision!). To conclude, I will just say to students who wish to continue towards public accounting that the choice of the firm during the 3 years of internship is paramount. However, since this is usually your first professional experience, you can sometimes make a mistake in the choice of your firm, but it is not a prohibitive one (I am proof of this).
L3 MCF - M2 CCA (Initial Training)
2011-2012, 2013-2014
Graduate Chartered Accountant
I followed a classical curriculum at the FEG of Aix-Marseille, from L3 MCF to the Master CCA. Obtaining the diploma presents multiple interests: First of all, it justifies a BAC+5 level, and the outcome that this implies; It allows a real professional integration; Finally, it allows the partial validation of the DSCG (5 out of 7 UEs). The Master's calendar is also in line with that of the DSCG: obtaining the M2 in June 2014 gave me [...] Read more
L3 MCF - M2 CCA (Initial Training)
2011-2012, 2013-2014
Graduate Chartered Accountant
I followed a classical curriculum at the FEG of Aix-Marseille, from L3 MCF to the Master CCA. Obtaining the diploma presents multiple interests: First of all, it justifies a BAC+5 level, and the outcome that this implies; It allows a real professional integration; Finally, it allows the partial validation of the DSCG (5 out of 7 UEs). The Master's calendar is also in line with that of the DSCG: obtaining the M2 in June 2014 gave me the motivation to go and get the DSCG in October. I then started my internship as a chartered accountant in a firm of AJACCIO, in January 2015. These three years of internship, which were both enriching and rewarding, enabled me to submit my thesis in February 2018 and to obtain the DEC in the May 2018 session. I became a partner in the wake of obtaining the DEC. I have excellent memories of those academic years and of Ms. Nadine RICCI. She will make available to you her personal and professional network, extended over the PACA-Corsica region; and of course, her passion for her students. I always remember the first day of M2 CCA. At the end of the summer, our search for a professional internship had not even started yet, Mrs RICCI kindly called us back to order and presented us with an Excel table, which already included about fifty contacts from firms in the surrounding area . In short, you will be in good hands!
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Manager Audit and Consulting, Director of the Public Administration Department of FIREC & ASSOCIES in Casablanca, Morocco.
After obtaining a Master's degree in 2009, I immediately started working on permanent contracts with firms in Paris in both accounting and auditing. In 2013 I moved to my home country, Morocco, where I joined the firm FIREC ET ASSOCIES which is a member of GENEVA GROUP INTERNATIONAL. Today, as Audit & Consulting Manager, I manage the public administration department of the firm. I have many fond memories of my years at university [...] Read more
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Manager Audit and Consulting, Director of the Public Administration Department of FIREC & ASSOCIES in Casablanca, Morocco.
After obtaining a Master's degree in 2009, I immediately started working on permanent contracts with firms in Paris in both accounting and auditing. In 2013 I moved to my home country, Morocco, where I joined the firm FIREC ET ASSOCIES which is a member of GENEVA GROUP INTERNATIONAL. Today, as Audit & Consulting Manager, I manage the public administration department of the firm. I have many fond memories of my years at university: all my university studies, a renowned CCA master's degree and a quality teaching team, not to mention our class which remains unforgettable.
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Yassine JADA
Senior Consultant
I joined the FEG in Aix-en-Provence in 2016 after an M1 "Accounting, Finance, Taxation and Wealth Management". The knowledge I acquired throughout this year allowed me to gain my first professional experience within the ORIGA Group where I was able to discover the professions of Audit and Chartered Accountancy. I then joined KPMG as a consultant on projects to transform the Finance function. Beyond the quality and richness of the con [...] Read more
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Yassine JADA
Senior Consultant
I joined the FEG in Aix-en-Provence in 2016 after an M1 "Accounting, Finance, Taxation and Wealth Management". The knowledge I acquired throughout this year allowed me to gain my first professional experience within the ORIGA Group where I was able to discover the professions of Audit and Chartered Accountancy. I then joined KPMG as a consultant on projects to transform the Finance function. Beyond the quality and richness of the content, the involvement of the program manager makes it perfectly adapted to the job market. To cite just one example, the organization of a "job-dating" day with the support of the dean of the university during which several prestigious firms in the region are invited to exchange with the students, which most often leads to internship and/or hiring proposals.
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Statutory auditor, specialising in agricultural cooperatives, at REVISION SUD EST
After obtaining my bachelor's degree in science, and doing my first summer job in a bank, I decided to enroll in the first year of Sciences éco Aix-Marseille. This course gave an overview of all the subjects related to economics, management and management and helped me to identify the areas I really liked. In L1 and L2, the subjects I preferred were accounting and management control, so at the end of the second year, reinforced by an [...] Read more
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Statutory auditor, specialising in agricultural cooperatives, at REVISION SUD EST
After obtaining my bachelor's degree in science, and doing my first summer job in a bank, I decided to enroll in the first year of Sciences éco Aix-Marseille. This course gave an overview of all the subjects related to economics, management and management and helped me to identify the areas I really liked. In L1 and L2, the subjects I preferred were accounting and management control, so at the end of the second year, reinforced by an optional internship from June to August in an accounting firm, I decided to do an L3 in the faculty of applied economics and then an M1 CFFP known to be the ideal way to enter a CCA master's degree. After examining my file, obtaining a DU CCA, I joined the M2-CCA, obtained in July 2011. During my Master 2, I did a mandatory internship during the closing period from January to May at KPMG and had the opportunity to meet other auditing firms and auditors, it was the beginning of the creation of a beneficial network since then. As the Master's degree has a good reputation, we maintain privileged relationships with many firms of various sizes and sectors. The course maintains its image of excellence by organizing events such as the Job Day where professionals of the sector and students, future actors of the same sector, meet. I was able to sign a permanent contract as an auditor with Aresxpert Audit, a reference in Avignon, where I was able to evolve and gain experience and autonomy during 6 years. To date and for more than 3 years now, I have been Administrative and Financial Manager at Pink Lady ® Europe.
M2 CCA (Continuing Education) - DSCG
Yunkun LIU
Statutory auditor, specialising in agricultural cooperatives, at REVISION SUD EST
Following a redundancy I looked for a training around the profession of "management control"; IUT, IAE d'Aix, Aix-Marseille University, training sites.... Finally, thanks to my business experience, I got an interview with Mrs RICCI, head of the CCA training at the University of Aix-Marseille. She assessed my level in this field and proposed me to start a first year of Master's degree called CFFP (Accounting, Finance, Taxation and Wea [...] Read more
M2 CCA (Continuing Education) - DSCG
Yunkun LIU
Statutory auditor, specialising in agricultural cooperatives, at REVISION SUD EST
Following a redundancy I looked for a training around the profession of "management control"; IUT, IAE d'Aix, Aix-Marseille University, training sites.... Finally, thanks to my business experience, I got an interview with Mrs RICCI, head of the CCA training at the University of Aix-Marseille. She assessed my level in this field and proposed me to start a first year of Master's degree called CFFP (Accounting, Finance, Taxation and Wealth Management) and at the same time the DCG courses. I started my training in September 2016. A year that was difficult to spend, a field completely different from my basic training (molecular biology in research); but after having passed my first year in CFFP, I was selected in CCA and I passed. In 2018, after the CCA training, I was immediately hired by the accounting firm where I did my final internship. My ambition was greater than I was, so I resigned to focus on the DSCG revision for the 2018 session. Right after my DSCG exam, I applied online, and the next day I had 2 job interviews. Three days later, I signed a permanent contract as "Auditor" in a firm of auditors, until January 2021. My DSCG was validated in the 2020 session and in the DEC internship since January 2020. For me, the CCA training is a training of excellence, which gives me access to multi-possibilities and opportunities. In a few years, to be a chartered accountant, an auditor, a corporate financial director or an excellent financial analyst to join my initial idea: helping companies in difficulty? I don't know yet what the future holds for me, but I don't doubt for a second that anything is possible!
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Chartered Accountant
I had the opportunity to join the CCA professional Master 2 in 2007 after obtaining a Master 1 and an L3 MCF (my curriculum is 100% university). At that time, I didn't really have any idea about my final professional career, but the programme and the aura of the teachers (whom I met throughout my training) encouraged me to follow this "numerus clausus" course. The internship in the office (6 months and during the fiscal period) was [...] Read more
M2 CCA (Initial Training)
Chartered Accountant
I had the opportunity to join the CCA professional Master 2 in 2007 after obtaining a Master 1 and an L3 MCF (my curriculum is 100% university). At that time, I didn't really have any idea about my final professional career, but the programme and the aura of the teachers (whom I met throughout my training) encouraged me to follow this "numerus clausus" course. The internship in the office (6 months and during the fiscal period) was beneficial on several levels: Understanding the workings of this profession often described as austere and uninteresting. Develop my personal network To gain experience (particularly in the technical aspects of the firms). Indeed, on this last point, let us keep in mind that the purpose of this professional diploma is indeed to obtain a work contract at the end of the training. The new laureate is recognised by the sector, as firms are quite fond of this kind of profile. Indeed, I didn't have much trouble finding a job as soon as I finished my studies, and I was even lucky enough to be able to develop my knowledge in a BIG, to the point where, after a few years, I joined the management group of the South-East sector. Moreover, continuing my studies after obtaining the M2CCA is necessary, in my opinion, to enhance the value of all the knowledge imparted over the years of training and to underline its multidisciplinary quality. In addition to this windfall (training), the M2CCA has a significant advantage: exemptions for DSCGs. Although the EU 1 and 4 require a lot of work, this training remains, in my opinion, the royal road to obtaining the DEC, for those who wish to take this long road. More than 10 years after successfully leaving the faculty, I remain sensitive to the values and the quality of this diploma which has enabled me to reach my current stage. I warmly recommend to anyone interested in the quantitative professions to join this type of course.
M2 CCA (Continuing Education)
Pierrick AVIER
Trainee accountant
The CCA master's degree was a great springboard for obtaining the DSCG and soon the DEC. In addition to the course/company "modulation" -that was in 2015/2016- all the teachers and other professors were, with a few exceptions, excellent and very pleasant. In this respect, I would like to mention Mrs. Nadine RICCI, and Messrs. Paul CURCIO and Christophe CASTERAS. The training provided was beneficial to me in many ways, even despite 12 [...] Read more
M2 CCA (Continuing Education)
Pierrick AVIER
Trainee accountant
The CCA master's degree was a great springboard for obtaining the DSCG and soon the DEC. In addition to the course/company "modulation" -that was in 2015/2016- all the teachers and other professors were, with a few exceptions, excellent and very pleasant. In this respect, I would like to mention Mrs. Nadine RICCI, and Messrs. Paul CURCIO and Christophe CASTERAS. The training provided was beneficial to me in many ways, even despite 12 years of professional experience. Finally, and I come back to this by way of conclusion, if French education could have teachers such as those mentioned above, the general level would not be so cataclysmic!... Another big THANK YOU to the members of the Master CCA promotion 2015/2016 for supporting me!