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Public speaking workshops

Atelier prise de parole en public.png
Atelier prise de parole en public.png

Improve your public speaking skills.

Whatever your training and level of study, oral expression and self-control in front of an audience are undeniable assets for your success (oral presentation, job interview, selection interview for a training course, oral defense...).

These workshops are held in small groups, in a friendly atmosphere. In a logic of appropriation of the techniques provided, learning self-control in front of an audience and group synergy, your presence cannot be partial.


This program is designed as a set of several workshops of 2 hours each. During these workshops you will address different themes that will form a whole.

- Oral expression techniques (breathing, voice, articulation, rhythm, repetition)

- Non-verbal communication (territories, proxemics, postures, gestures, face and mimics, gaze)

- Stage fright (how to master stage fright)

- Techniques for oral presentation (preparation, structuring and flow)

These workshops will be based on role-playing exercises that may include the use of video.

The sessions take place in Aix and Marseille. You must register via the form before you can start!

Dates 2022/2023 :

In Aix Ferry: the workshops will take place from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, on Monday October 3, October 10, October 17, October 24, October 31, November 7, November 14 + another date to be agreed upon

In Marseille Colbert -Puvis de Chavannes : the workshops will take place from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, on Thursdays October 6, October 13, October 16, October 20, October 27, November 3, November 10, November 17 + another date to be agreed.