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Pre-Rentrée 2024-2025


Pre-entry program 24/25

Dear students, in order to welcome you as warmly as possible, we ask you to respect your invitation time to come to the pre-commencement ceremony, which will take place on Monday, September 2, 2024 in Marseille, for students enrolled in the FEG Marseille Colbert at 9am. And on Monday, September 2, 2024 in Aix, from 1:30 pm for students enrolled in the FEG Aix-Ferry.

You will be welcomed according to your divisional distribution, according to your majors and in chronological order. This information will be given a few days before the start of the academic year, when everyone will be registered! So register early!
You'll arrive at 9 or 10 a.m. for students from Marseille and 1:30, 2:30 or 3:30 p.m. for students from Aix-en-Provence, as indicated.

1 - You have no pedagogical registration to make at the moment (you will be informed by e-mail when it is necessary to do so)
2- You are expected at the pre-entry.
3 - At the pre-entry, information will be given concerning registration for Supervised Work. Attendance at the pre-entry session is compulsory if you wish to be assigned to a tutorial group
A document will be sent to you, to be returned to the school office by September 05 at the latest (school office opening hours).
4- In the student file of your ENT, you will find your teaching contract. You'll also find the division to which you've been assigned.


  • 9am / 10am: welcome by the Dean and Vice-Dean and campus discovery tour(details of your welcome information at the end of August)

L1 managers in Marseille :


  • 1:30 pm / 2:30 pm / 3:30 pm: welcome by the Dean and Vice-Dean and campus discovery tour(details of information concerning your welcome at the end of August)

L1 managers from Aix :

Classes start immediately, according to your timetable.
If you'd like to prepare for the start of your new academic year and make the most of your integration into our school, please see "My first steps at the FEG"
For the start of your L2 and L3 courses, your course managers will give you all the important information when they start classes with you.
For the pre-start of Masters courses, please contact the managers of the course you're joining directly!

  • Pre-entry L1 AES-Eco-Gestion-Gestion portal

    For students enrolled in the first year of the Portail AES - Economie Gestion - Gestion: your first day of classes will take place on Monday, September 2, 2024

    in Marseille in the morning for students enrolled in Marseille, and in Aix-en-Provence in the afternoon for students enrolled in Aix-en-Provence.

    Morning: Marseille Colbert campus (14 rue Puvis de Chavannes, Marseille 1er) - welcome from 1:30 pm, in the patio, then in amphitheatre A
    Stands on site: amphitheatre exit, corporate relations office, student associations and city associations
    Set-up Welcome pot set up at 9 am

    9h : First presentation > (duration 1h)
    Welcome and presentation of the dean / vice-dean
    + Presentation of the beacon hunt game "Discover the campus"
    10h15 Start of the discovery tour of the campus: 1h

    10h : Second presentation > (duration 1h)
    Welcome and presentation by the dean / vice-dean
    + Presentation of the beacon hunt game Discover the campus
    11h15 Start of discovery tour of the campus: 1h

    Après-midi : Aix-en-Provence Ferry campus (14 avenue Jules Ferry) welcome from 8:30 am to 9 am, in the patio, then in amphitheatre A-B
    Stands on site: Sports association, amphitheatre exit, corporate relations office, student associations and the city of Aix-en-Provence
    Set-up welcome drink from 1 pm

    1:30 p.m.: First presentation > (duration 1h)
    Welcome and presentation by the dean / vice-dean
    + Presentation of the tag-hunting game "Discover the campus"
    2:30 p.m. Start of the discovery tour of the campus: 1h

    2:30 pm : Second presentation > (duration 1h)
    presentation dean / vice-dean
    + Presentation beacon hunt game discover the campus
    3:30 pm departure campus tour 1h

    3:30 p.m.: Third presentation > (duration 1h)
    presentation dean / vice-dean
    + Beacon hunt game presentation discover the campus
    4:30 p.m. departure campus tour 1h

  • Pre-entry L1 Double Licence Droit-Eco-Gestion

    If you are a student enrolled in the first year of a double Bachelor's degree program, your first day of classes takes place on Monday September 2, at 10am, on the Aix campus, 3 av. Robert Schuman, at the Faculty of Law and Political Science.

  • Pre-entry L1 MIASHS

    Licence 1 MIASHS students will be welcomed in amphitheatre A-B at 1.30pm on the Ferry campus. Ferry campus (14 avenue Jules Ferry) in Aix-en-Provence.

  • Pré-rentrée Licence Internationale

    IPEM 1 : lundi 2 septembre de 8h30 à 9h15 en salle 116

    IPEM 3 : lundi 2 septembre de 12h à 12h45 en salle 116

  • Pré-rentrée campus Arles

    Rentrée de la filière Administration des Instituions Culturelles  lundi 2 septembre 2024 :

    Antenne Universitaire d’Arles Espace Van Gogh Place Félix Rey Grand Amphithéâtre

    Et dont vous trouverez le programme ci-dessous :

    -  9h30 : Accueil des étudiants

    - 10h15 : Mot de bienvenue avec Madame Rosette Nicolaï, Directrice de la filière Administration des Instituions Culturelles (FUP AIC), en présence de Monsieur Patrick de Carolis, Maire de la Ville d’Arles, Président de la Communauté d’Agglomération Arles Crau Camargue Montagnette

    - 10h30 : Présentation des associations estudiantines de la filière

    - 11h00 : Conférence par Monsieur Silvère Bastien, Conseiller municipal en charge de l’innovation technologique et numérique, en charge du projet Arles Créative, Président du Conseil d’administration de Arles Créative sur le thème :
    " Le hub créatif : un outil collaboratif au service de l’humain et de l’écosystème pédagogique arlésien."

    - 11h45 : Présentation de l'équipe pédagogique

    - 12h15 : Cocktail