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Smoke-free month

November 8, 2023
Mois Sans Tabac 2023

November is tobacco-free month!

The University Student Health Service (SSE) is organizing a number of discussion sessions, led by nurses, psychologists and doctors: come and have a chat, relax, take a breath test or simply find out more!

Meet us on the various campuses to discuss tobacco consumption:

Aix-en-Provence - in front of the ALLSH cafeteria on 08/11 from 11am to 2pm.

Saint-Charles - at the Parvis on 16/11 from 11 to 2pm.

Saint-Jérôme - in front of the cafeteria on 09/11 from 11 to 2pm.

Timone - grand hall bat. médecine on 19/11 from 11 to 14h.

Luminy - at the Hexagone on 28/11 from 11 to 14h.

More info here: https: //

In November, we're stopping together!