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Situational agility workshops

October and November 2023
Atelier d'agilité situationnelle

Reveal your inner diamond in the rough!

Come and discover yourself and develop the self-confidence to adopt a posture that gives you the power to act.

Instinct Pionnier, in partnership with Rotary, offers you a cycle of 8 weekly 1.5-hour video-conference workshops, to be held in small groups on Tuesdays October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and November 7, 14, 21.

  • Group sharing ;
  • Theoretical input;
  • Application exercises.

Because we believe in the power of the collective in creating the conditions for trust, and because Learning By Doing is a catalyst for learning, our students testify to the effectiveness of this program:

🌼"I was more than pleasantly surprised and I discovered new skills, qualities, areas of thought that I didn't know I had, which helped me learn more about myself."

💎"Every week, when the workshop arrived, I knew I was going to be able to have a moment to myself, without headaches, without demands, without success. Here there's nothing to prove."

💥"I want to deconstruct the ideas I have about myself. I realize that they are unfounded."

🎯"I need to realize that I have as much to contribute to the company as it has to contribute to me."

💫"This program invites me to become aware of my value."

****Balance arises from alignment between who I want to be and how I go about getting there.****

Sessions are group-based to generate a group dynamic with a maximum of 15 participants.

The ultimate aim is to answer the question: "What story do you want to tell about your life? And to move towards "I am the author of my life.

All essential prerequisites for subsequently performing well in your search for internships and jobs.

Information and registration: