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Conference-debate: "What changes for work?"

April 12, 2024

📅⌚ Rdv Conference-debate: "Quelles évolutions pour le travail?" around the book Que sait-on du travail? in the presence of authors, Friday April 12, 5:30pm > at the Alcazar library in Marseille.


⚡ Why do professional inequalities between women and men persist? Vanessa di Paola and stephanie Moullet

⚡ How can we understand French dissatisfaction at work? Bruno Palier

⚡ What are the impacts of the ecological transition on jobs? Nathalie MONCEL

⚡ Who works on the Internet for a few euro cents? Luc Sigalo Santos

⚡ How can companies integrate ecological concerns into work activities? Liza Baghioni