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The "Welcome to France" label

Label Bienvenue en France

The "Welcome to France" label is awarded by Campus France to institutions that meet high quality standards in welcoming international students and that are committed to a process of continuous improvement. Awarded for a period of 4 years (ongoing since 2019), this label gives institutions greater international visibility.

It comprises 5 fields:

  • the quality and accessibility of information
  • the quality and accessibility of reception facilities
  • the quality and accessibility of the training offer and support for teaching
  • housing and quality of life on campus
  • the quality of post-graduate follow-up.

The labeling commission has awarded Aix-Marseille University the 2-star level for a label that has 3 levels. This is a great result for our establishment, which highlights all the efforts already made to ensure a quality arrival for our international students (welcome desk for international students, FLE courses, welcome booklet, integration weeks, welcome evenings, etc.).